Launching Colours & Honey!

I’ve done it. I’ve finally done it. I have finally taken the steps towards my own brand and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s taken me SO LONG. I’ve made so many excuses to not be where I am now 6 months ago. First I blamed travel, then being sick, then being anxious, then working, then moving…


I’ve started a brand/business/endeavour, whatever you want to call it. It’s called Colours & Honey – and it’s going to consist of a big bunch of homewares designed by me.

I wanted to create a range of homewares a long time ago – things that represented sweetness, love and pure joy. I wanted to design things that would make people say WOW – something they’d be excited to buy and proud to own. The range is going to include lots of decor items – different mediums, shapes, sizes, patterns, colours. I’m also hopefully going to get some ceramics happening by mid 2018.

I’m very happy to say that I’m well on the road to doing that! I’ve had a lot of interest in my artwork in the past year, which was the first step towards C&H. I’ve always loved creating and designing, but it can be hard to find motivation.

Colours & Honey has been stuck in my head for the past 6 months – it’s been my little brain baby and 2018 is the year that it finally arrives. (What an analogy right there folks)

I’ve said it a million times, but I am so excited to properly start this project. And I couldn’t do any of this without the support of everyone – whether you’re a friend who has consistently encouraged me or someone who simply likes/follows my work. I see you and I appreciate everything, always. I cannot wait to share more with you all!

My first official ‘appearance’ as Colours & Honey is at the Mermaid Sorority Markets on the 20th January. I’d love to see you there if you can make it!

Otherwise, the website is well underway and products will be up and ready for purchase online very soon!

Much love to you for your support, just reading this little post means the world to me.

See you soon!


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